1C:Standard subsystems library. Integrated subsystems embedded in other configuration objects
Object versioning
Subsystem provides the following capabilities:
- Storage of the history of changes for catalogs and documents (the user who introduced the changes, time of the change and the nature of the change up to the object attributes and the attributes of its table parts).
- Comparison of arbitrary object versions.
- Viewing the previously saved object versions.
Additional reports and processors
Subsystem allows attaching and using the additional external reports and processors to the information base in the "1C:Enterprise" mode. This allows extending the configuration functionality without introducing the changes that can be useful, for example, for operational extension of the system functionality without disabling the support of configuration supplier.
Subsystem allows performing the additional processors and reports on schedule as well as provides the tools of their administration.
Object attribute locking
Subsystem provides the following capabilities:
- Checking whether key object attributes (the attributes that define the object) are not empty.
- Prohibiting users from making changes to key object attributes.
- Checking whether a user has rights to change key object attributes.
Contact information
Subsystem provides:
- Extension of the composition of attributes in configuration catalogs by an arbitrary set of attributes intended to input the contact information.
- Use of predefined and "custom" types of contact information.
- Use of functionality from the subsystem "Addressed classifier".
Setting up an order of elements
Subsystem provides setting up an order of elements in the lists using the buttons "Up" and "Down".
Subsystem provides the following capabilities:
- Generating the print form of the objects as the spreadsheet documents or office documents in the formats of Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.org Writer.
- Printing and sending the print form via e-mail.
Subsystem provides the following capabilities:
- Creation and editing of the additional properties of documents and catalogs.
- Storage of properties in the object (additional attributes) and outside the object in a special information register (additional information).
- Ability to use the properties in the reports.
- Ability to set various sets of properties for different objects of the same type.
Object prefixation
Subsystem provides the following capabilities:
- Adding object prefixes automatically, according to the user-defined settings.
- Using prefixes to distinguish objects belonging to different infobases and different companies.